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Тема: GunGame CVAR's / Квары ГанГейм

  1. #1
    Administrator Аватар для Genuine Savenger
    Получено благодарностей: 2,306 (сообщений: 808).
    Time Online: 2 Months 1 Day 9 Hours 26 Minutes 40 Seconds
    Avg. Time Online: 16 Minutes 40 Seconds
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    По умолчанию GunGame CVAR's / Квары ГанГейм

    Так как на просторах инэта, после смерти сайта автора, найти описание кваров GunGame попросту невозможно, вылаживаю их у себя:

    amx_gungame <0|1>
    Toggles the functionality of GunGame. Always use this to enable or disable GunGame in the middle of a map. Requires ADMIN_CVAR (or flag "g") access to use.
    amx_gungame_level <target> <level>
    Changes a player's level. Target can be a player name, *, @ALL, @TERRORIST, or @CT. If level is prepended with a plus or minus symbol, the level change is relative. Otherwise, the level change is absolute. Requires ADMIN_BAN (or flag "d") access to use.
    amx_gungame_score <target> <score> [dont_refill]
    Sets a player's score. Target can be a player name, *, @ALL, @TERRORIST, or @CT. If score is prepended with a plus or minus symbol, the score change is relative. Otherwise, the score change is absolute. Set dont_refill to not refill a player's ammo and armor. Requires ADMIN_BAN (or flag "d") access to use.
    amx_gungame_vote [mode]
    Starts a vote to enable or disable GunGame. Requires ADMIN_VOTE (or flag "j") access to use.
    amx_gungame_win [target]
    Forces target to win. If no target is provided, the best player will be chosen (sorted by highest level, then highest kills, then least deaths). Requires ADMIN_BAN (or flag "d") access to use.
    amx_gungame_teamplay <0|1> [killsperlvl] [suicidepenalty]
    Toggles teamplay mode. You can optionally specify new cvar values for gg_killsperlvl and gg_suicidepenalty. Requires ADMIN_BAN (or flag "d") access to use.
    amx_gungame_restart [delay] [full]
    Restarts GunGame. You can optionally specify a delay, in seconds. If full, reloads config and everything. Requires ADMIN_BAN (or flag "d") access to use.
    Reloads the weapon order and the kills per level from the cvars. This must be used if either of those two things are changed mid-game. Can only be called by server.

  2. #2
    Administrator Аватар для Genuine Savenger
    Получено благодарностей: 2,306 (сообщений: 808).
    Time Online: 2 Months 1 Day 9 Hours 26 Minutes 40 Seconds
    Avg. Time Online: 16 Minutes 40 Seconds
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    По умолчанию

    Basic Cvars
    gg_enabled (default: 1)
    Enables the functionality of the plugin. Use the amx_gungame command if you want to change this during gameplay.
    gg_vote_setting (default: 2)
    Starts a map vote when a player nears the final level. Every number above 1 is how many levels BEFORE the final level to start the vote at (e.g. 1 = start vote at final level, 2 = start vote one level before final, etcetera). Overridden by a gungame_mapcycle file.
    gg_vote_custom (default: "")
    The custom command used to start a map vote. Leave blank to use the functionality of galileo.axmxx, mapchooser.amxx, mapchooser4.amxx, deagsmapmanage230b.amxx, or deagsmapmanager.amxx. Overridden by a gungame_mapcycle file.
    gg_changelevel_custom (default: "")
    The custom command used to go to the next map. Leave blank to change to the map contained in amx_nextmap. Overridden by a gungame_mapcycle file.
    gg_map_setup (default:mp_timelimit 45; mp_winlimit 0; sv_alltalk 0; mp_chattime 10; mp_c4timer 25)
    A list of commands that are ran on map startup when GunGame is enabled, or when enabled in the middle of a game.
    gg_endmap_setup (default: "")
    A list of commands that are ran on map startup when GunGame is disabled, whenever GunGame disabled in the middle of a game, and at the end of a map. This is essentially the counter for gg_map_setup).
    gg_join_msg (default: 1)
    Give players a welcome sound and popup explaining GunGame when they join.
    gg_messages (default: 1)
    Set to 0 to disable all GunGame messages. There are four flags you can specify: classic (2), which displays the old-school GunGame chat message telling you your level; no color (4), which turns off coloring of GunGame chat messages; hide text (8), which suppresses all GunGame chat messages; and hide HUD (16), which suppresses all GunGame HUD messages. To use the flags, add up the numbers of the flags you want to use, and set gg_messages to that number plus 1.
    gg_save_temp (default: 300)
    Remembers a player's level and score upon disconnect for this amount of time (in seconds), so that they can rejoin shortly and not have to start over.
    gg_status_display (default: 1)
    Controls what the custom status display to the right of the round timer shows. 1 = leader's weapon, 2 = your weapon, 3 = kills until next level, 4 = kills gained this level, 30 = disabled
    gg_map_iterations (default: 1)
    How many GunGame rounds to play before switching maps. A value of 0 means that GunGame will never change maps on its own.
    gg_ignore_bots (default: 0)
    If set to 1, bot wins and points are not saved. If set to 2, bots can't even trigger a win, unless there are no human players in the server, in addition to their wins and points not being saved.
    gg_block_equips (default: 2)
    If set to 1, stops game_player_equip's from working, and if set to 2, additionally stops player_weaponstrip's from working.
    gg_leader_display (default: 1)
    Toggles the displaying of a constant leader display at the top of the screen in the format Leader: Player +ties (lvlnum - lvlname). Ties is the number of other players on the same level.
    gg_leader_display_x (default: -1.0)
    The X (horizontal) position of the aforementioned leader display. 0.0 is the left side of the screen, 1.0 is the right side of the screen, and -1.0 is in the center.
    gg_leader_display_y (default: 0.0)
    The Y (vertical) position of the aforementioned leader display. 0.0 is the top of the screen, 1.0 is the bottom of the screen, and -1.0 is in the center.
    gg_allow_changeteam (default: 2)
    If set to 1, team changes are not counted as a suicide. If set to 2, team changes are not counted as a suicide only if the change was beneficial, meaning that the team change didn't stack the teams. Changing teams to your current team always counts as a suicide.
    gg_disable_money (default: 1)
    Controls whether or not GunGame gets rid of players' money. Only turn this off if you have another method to prevent weapon buying.
    gg_winner_motd (default: 1)
    Whether or not the win-screen MOTD appears when someone wins. Optionally, setting this to a URL will open a MOTD window to that page instead when someone wins (to be used with SQL stats primarily) and cause the gg_sql_winmotd_table table to be updated, if using SQL. If set to 2, the default win-screen MOTD will be still used but the gg_sql_winmotd_table table will be updated as well, if using SQL.
    gg_afk_protection (default: 0)
    If enabled, players can't get points for killing AFK players. A player is considered AFK every time they spawn until they move, look, or shoot. Set to 2 to use the stricter, less-reliable method that was in pre-2.13 versions.
    gg_top10_ppp (default: 8)
    How many players to display per page on the top 10 list. Optionally, setting this to a URL will open a MOTD window to that page when players type !topX (to be used with SQL stats primarily).

  3. #3
    Administrator Аватар для Genuine Savenger
    Получено благодарностей: 2,306 (сообщений: 808).
    Time Online: 2 Months 1 Day 9 Hours 26 Minutes 40 Seconds
    Avg. Time Online: 16 Minutes 40 Seconds
    Вес репутации

    По умолчанию

    Autovote Cvars
    gg_autovote_mode (default: 0)
    The type of vote that comes up automatically after a certain number of rounds/time (see below cvars). The vote types are as follows: 1 = GunGame on/off; 2 = GunGame teamplay/regular; 3 = GunGame teamplay/regular/off. Set to 0 to disable this feature. Can optionally specify a comma-separated sequence, e.g. "3,1,2"
    gg_autovote_rounds (default: 1)
    The number of rounds after the start of a new map it takes before starting the autovote.
    gg_autovote_delay (default: 8.0)
    How many seconds after the appropiate round start (based on gg_autovote_rounds) to start the autovote.
    gg_autovote_ratio (default: 0.51)
    The ratio of votes required to enable GunGame. This is used for both amx_gungame_vote and the autovote.
    gg_autovote_time (default: 10.0)
    How many seconds players have to vote. This is used for both amx_gungame_vote and the autovote.

  4. #4
    Administrator Аватар для Genuine Savenger
    Получено благодарностей: 2,306 (сообщений: 808).
    Time Online: 2 Months 1 Day 9 Hours 26 Minutes 40 Seconds
    Avg. Time Online: 16 Minutes 40 Seconds
    Вес репутации

    По умолчанию

    Stats Cvars
    gg_stats_file (default: gungame.stats)
    The file to use for logging wins (starts in cstrike/ or czero/ directory). Leave blank to disable win logging.
    gg_stats_ip (default: 0)
    Set to 1 to track stats by IP address instead of STEAM ID, or set to -1 to track by player name.
    gg_stats_prune (default: 2592000)
    How old, in seconds, a stat entry can be before it is deleted. Use 0 to leave all stat entries infinitely.
    gg_stats_mode (default: 2)
    The method used for scoring players. 0 = disabled, 1 = by wins, 2 = by points. If using 2, at the end of a game, every player gets one point for each level they gained, the winner getting a bonus based on the gg_stats_winbonus cvar.
    gg_stats_split (default: 0)
    If enabled, keeps seperate stats for regular and teamplay mode.
    gg_stats_winbonus (default: 1.5)
    If using gg_stats_mode 2, the winner gets this times as many points as regular.

  5. #5
    Administrator Аватар для Genuine Savenger
    Получено благодарностей: 2,306 (сообщений: 808).
    Time Online: 2 Months 1 Day 9 Hours 26 Minutes 40 Seconds
    Avg. Time Online: 16 Minutes 40 Seconds
    Вес репутации

    По умолчанию

    SQL Cvars
    gg_sql_host (default: "")
    The SQL hostname to use for connecting.
    gg_sql_user (default: "root")
    The SQL user to use for connecting.
    gg_sql_pass (default: "")
    The SQL password to use for connecting.
    gg_sql_db (default: "amx")
    The database name to use.
    gg_sql_table (default: "gg_stats")
    The table name where the regular stats are stored.
    gg_sql_streak_table (default: "gg_streaks")
    The table name where the win streaks are stored.
    gg_sql_winmotd_table (default: "gg_winmotd")
    The table name where the MOTD player information is stored.

  6. #6
    Administrator Аватар для Genuine Savenger
    Получено благодарностей: 2,306 (сообщений: 808).
    Time Online: 2 Months 1 Day 9 Hours 26 Minutes 40 Seconds
    Avg. Time Online: 16 Minutes 40 Seconds
    Вес репутации

    По умолчанию

    Deathmatch Cvars
    gg_dm (default: 1)
    Enables deathmatch mode (a.k.a. infinite respawn).
    gg_dm_sp_time (default: 1.0)
    The time (in seconds) that a player's spawn protection peroid lasts. Use 0.0 to disable spawn protection.
    gg_dm_sp_mode (default: 1)
    1 = if killed during spawn protection, killer gets no points. 2 = completely invincible during spawn protection. Use 0 to disable spawn protection.
    gg_dm_spawn_random (default: 2)
    Makes players respawn in a random (team-ambiguous) spawn. If CSDM spawn points are installed for the current map, then those will be used instead. If this cvar is set to 2, then players will only respawn randomly when there are CSDM spawn points for the current map.
    gg_dm_start_random (default: 1)
    If players are placed at random CSDM spawns on round start (only as long as there are as many CSDM spawn points as there are players).
    gg_dm_spawn_delay (default: 3.0)
    The time (in seconds) that it takes to respawn after dying.
    gg_dm_spawn_afterplant (default: 1)
    Controls whether or not players respawn after the bomb has been planted.
    gg_dm_corpses (default: 1)
    Toggles whether or not player corpses stay on the ground in deathmatch mode.
    gg_dm_countdown (default: 2)
    Shows a countdown timer to players telling them how much time until they respawn. The cvar value changes the display mode: 1 = center say, 2 = HUD message, 3 = both.

  7. #7
    Administrator Аватар для Genuine Savenger
    Получено благодарностей: 2,306 (сообщений: 808).
    Time Online: 2 Months 1 Day 9 Hours 26 Minutes 40 Seconds
    Avg. Time Online: 16 Minutes 40 Seconds
    Вес репутации

    По умолчанию

    Objective Cvars
    gg_block_objectives (default: 0)
    Removes objectives on bomb and hostage maps (no VIP support for GunGame).
    gg_bomb_defuse_lvl (default: 1)
    Gives players a level when they plant or defuse the bomb. If set to 2, Terrorists only gain a level if they plant the bomb and it explodes, whereas if set to 1, they only need to plant it to gain a level.
    gg_host_touch_reward (default: 2)
    Players gain one score (not level) if they touch this many unique hostages in the same round. A value of 0 disables this feature.
    gg_host_rescue_reward (default: 2)
    Players gain one level if they rescue this many unique hostages in the same round. A value of 0 disables this feature.
    gg_host_kill_reward (default: 1)
    How much EXTRA score (not level) a Terrorist gets for killing a CT that was escorting a hostage. Players can't go up more than one extra level by this. A value of 0 disables this feature. DOES NOT WORK IN CONDITION ZERO!
    gg_host_kill_penalty (default: 1)
    How much score (not level) a player loses for killing a hostage.

  8. #8
    Administrator Аватар для Genuine Savenger
    Получено благодарностей: 2,306 (сообщений: 808).
    Time Online: 2 Months 1 Day 9 Hours 26 Minutes 40 Seconds
    Avg. Time Online: 16 Minutes 40 Seconds
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    По умолчанию

    Teamplay Cvars
    gg_teamplay (default: 0)
    Controls teamplay mode. See FAQ Question 12 for more information. If set to 2, teamplay mode will be randomly on or off every GunGame round. Can optionally specify a comma-separated sequence, e.g. "0,2,1"
    gg_teamplay_knife_mod (default: 0.33)
    The kill goal modifier for melee weapons while playing teamplay mode. So using its default value, a team would only need to get 1 knife kill for every 3 players on its team (rounded up), instead of 1 for 1.
    gg_teamplay_nade_mod (default: 0.50)
    The kill goal modifier for grenade weapons while playing teamplay mode. So using its default value, a team would only need to get 1 grenade kill for every 2 players on its team (rounded up), instead of 1 for 1.
    gg_teamplay_timeratio (default: 1)
    If enabled, you have to spend at least half of your time on the winning team of a teamplay match to receive a win. Also, the points you get from each team are based on the percentage of time played on those teams. For example, if you spend 25% of your time on CT and 75% on T, while the CTs get 20 points and the Ts get 24 points, you would get 25% x 20 = 5 and 75% x 24 x 1.5 (gg_stats_winbonus) = 27, for 32 total.

  9. #9
    Administrator Аватар для Genuine Savenger
    Получено благодарностей: 2,306 (сообщений: 808).
    Time Online: 2 Months 1 Day 9 Hours 26 Minutes 40 Seconds
    Avg. Time Online: 16 Minutes 40 Seconds
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    По умолчанию

    Gameplay Cvars
    gg_ff_auto (default: 1)
    Turns friendly-fire on when someone reaches the grenade level. Friendly-fire will turn itself back off when no one is on the grenade or knife level anymore.
    gg_weapon_order (default:glock18,usp,p228,deagle,fiveseven,elite,m3,xm1014,tmp,mac10,mp5navy,ump45,p90,galil,famas,ak47,scout,m4a1,sg552,aug,m249,hegrenade,knife)
    The order of weapon levels. Separate each weapon with a comma, and don't use spaces. You can have up to 36, and they can repeat. Append ":X" to a weapon's name to apply a custom kill requirement for that weapon. For example, "deagle:5" would require players to get 5 kills with the Desert Eagle.
    gg_max_lvl (default: 3)
    The maximum number of levels obtainable per round, per person. Use 0 for infinite. Overriden by gg_turbo.
    gg_triple_on (default: 0)
    Gives players a 10-second star (think Mario) if they gain 3 levels in one round. Disabled if gg_turbo is enabled, unless gg_triple_on is set to 2.
    gg_turbo (default: 1)
    Instantly gives a player his new weapon upon level up, instead of having to wait until the next round.
    gg_knife_pro (default: 1)
    Allows players to steal levels from other players by killing them with a knife. 1 = regular knife pro; 2 = killer gets a level but the victim doesn't lose a level; 3 = killer only gets one point and the victim goes down a level.
    gg_knife_elite (default: 0)
    If knife elite mode is enabled, once you level up, you are forced to use a knife until the next round or until you die.
    gg_suicide_penalty (default: 1)
    Whether or not players lose a level for committing suicide. It should probably be set to 0 for teamplay mode in order to prevent griefing.
    gg_worldspawn_suicide (default: 1)
    If deaths by worldspawn are considered suicide.
    gg_pickup_others (default: 0)
    Allows players to pick up weapons that don't belong to their level. Players can't level up using a weapon that doesn't belong to their level.
    gg_handicap_on (default: 1)
    1 = sets the level of late-joiners to the average level in the server. 2 = sets them instead to the level of the currently lowest leveled player (ignoring bots, unless bots are the only players that are above level 1).
    gg_top10_handicap (default: 1)
    If players in the top 10 list of wins still receive the handicap.
    gg_warmup_timer_setting (default: 60)
    The time (in seconds) for the warmup round when the map starts, giving players time to connect. A value of 0.0 disables warmup round.
    gg_warmup_weapon (default: knife)
    Everyone must use this weapon during the warmup. Leave blank to disable.
    gg_warmup_multi (default: 0)
    If using multiple map iterations (gg_map_iterations), whether or not to have a warmup round for each iteration.
    gg_nade_glock (default: 1)
    Gives players on the grenade level a Glock with only 50 backpack ammo.
    gg_nade_smoke (default: 0)
    Gives players on the grenade level a smoke grenade.
    gg_nade_flash (default: 0)
    Gives players on the grenade level one flashbang.
    gg_extra_nades (default: 1)
    Gives players that are on the grenade level another hegrenade level every time they get a kill with any weapon. Players can still only have up to one hegrenade at a time.
    gg_nade_refresh (default: 5.0)
    Gives players that are on the grenade level another hegrenade this often (in seconds) when they are out. Set to 0.0 to disable. Players can still only have up to one hegrenade at a time.
    gg_kills_per_lvl (default: 2)
    The amount of kills you must gain in order to level up. This is always 1 for the grenade and knife levels, unless using a custom kill requirement (see gg_weapon_order).
    gg_kills_botmod (default: 1.0)
    The kills per level for bots is multipled by this value. For example, setting this to 0.5 would halve the amount of kills that bots have to get versus humans. Doesn't work in teamplay.
    gg_give_armor (default: 100)
    The amount of armor that players receive upon spawning (or after a kill, when using gg_refill_on_kill).
    gg_give_helmet (default: 1)
    Gives players a helmet upon spawning.
    gg_ammo_amount (default: 200)
    The amount of backpack ammo given to each weapon. Use -1 to use the default max backpack ammo (for example, 120 to the MP5, 35 to the Deagle, etcetera).
    gg_refill_on_kill (default: 1)
    Refills a player's clip, backpack ammo, and armor (based on above cvars) whenever they get a kill.
    gg_tk_penalty (default: 1)
    The amount of score (not levels) deducted from a player for a teamkill. Players can't go down more than one level per teamkill. Use 0 for no penalty. Use -1 to treat teamkills as regular kills.
    gg_awp_oneshot (default: 1)
    Gives the AWP only 1 bullet per clip, as opposed to the default 10.
    gg_bots_skipnade (default: 0)
    If enabled, bot players skip the hegrenade level. Doesn't work in teamplay.
    gg_bots_knifeable (default: 1)
    If disabled, then humans can't steal levels or pass the knife level by knifing bots.

  10. #10
    Administrator Аватар для Genuine Savenger
    Получено благодарностей: 2,306 (сообщений: 808).
    Time Online: 2 Months 1 Day 9 Hours 26 Minutes 40 Seconds
    Avg. Time Online: 16 Minutes 40 Seconds
    Вес репутации

    По умолчанию

    Sound Cvars
    gg_sound_levelup (default: sound/gungame/gg_levelup.wav)
    The sound played to a player when he levels up. Leave blank to disable.
    gg_sound_leveldown (default: sound/ambience/xtal_down1(e70))
    The sound played to a player when he levels down. Leave blank to disable.
    gg_sound_levelsteal (default: sound/turret/tu_die.wav)
    The sound played instead of gg_sound_levelup when you steal a level from someone. Leave blank to disable.
    gg_sound_nade (default: sound/gungame/gg_nade_level.wav)
    The sound played to everyone when a player is on the grenade level at start of round. Leave blank to disable.
    gg_sound_knife (default: sound/gungame/gg_knife_level.wav)
    The sound played to everyone when a player is on the knife level at start of round. Leave blank to disable.
    gg_sound_welcome (default: sound/gungame/gg_welcome.wav)
    The sound played to a player when he joins (and receives the popup message), if gg_join_msg is 1. Leave blank to disable.
    gg_sound_triple (default: sound/gungame/gg_triple.wav)
    The sound emitted by a player that has the triple-level star (see gg_triple_on). The sound must be 10 seconds long to coincide with the functionality, and has to be a WAV file. Leave blank to disable.
    gg_sound_winner (default:media/Half-Life03.mp3;media/Half-Life08.mp3;media/Half-Life11.mp3;media/Half-Life17.mp3)
    The sound played to everyone when a player wins the game. Leave blank to disable. If you list multiple songs, separated by semicolons (, a random one will be chosen.
    gg_sound_takenlead (default: sound/gungame/gg_takenlead.wav)
    The sound played to a player when he gains the lead with gg_lead_sounds enabled. Leave blank to disable.
    gg_sound_tiedlead (default: sound/gungame/gg_tiedlead.wav)
    The sound played to a player when he becomes tied for the lead with gg_lead_sounds enabled. Leave blank to disable.
    gg_sound_lostlead (default: sound/gungame/gg_lostlead.wav)
    The sound played to a player when he loses the lead with gg_lead_sounds enabled. Leave blank to disable.
    gg_lead_sounds (default: 0.8)
    The delay between gaining a level and playing the lead sounds to a player. You should only have to change this if you use custom level change sounds. Set this to 0.0 to disable playing the lead sounds entirely.

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